Visiting Selvin "Slick" Hinds at His Home Where He Lives (Part 3) 🇧🇿

DougP Vlogs

New member
I went to visit Selvin (Slick) Hinds at his home on the property where he lives. This is Quite a Sad Video.
ALL MONEY the 3 videos about Slick generate I will Give To Him.
So Please Watch the Ads and Click on the Ads so they make More Revenue to help Selvin (Slick) Hinds survive.

Click Link to View Video
If someone out there knows how to help this guy get a small 1 bedroom decent house on his property please step up and help him. He can not be given money for the build because he will drink it up. The house has to be built for him. 1 bedroom with a little open-air kitchen area and an outhouse.