Thanks, Ms. Empress. My wife sees our grandson most days now, though I have only seen him twice. Wife is back to work, while I continue to hunker down. Thankfully I have been able to work from home, which means I am still bringing home a paycheck. I realize that is not the case for far too many. My work is very hands on, which I can not do remotely, but work is very supportive of me staying safe. I am far more than ready to be back at work, but I really don't have an option to do so until that darn vaccine gets here. When Biden takes office and lowers the age of medicare to 60, chances are quite high I will retire before I actually step foot back on campus. Belize still holds a very special place in my heart, and always will, but chances are high that we will retire to Puerto Rico. I'm seriously considering the Dominican Republic as well, but I am having a hard time convincing the wife to move from the States.