Hyperbaric Medicine (Recompression Facilities)
Subaquatic Safety Services, Ltd., San Pedro Town, AC       [email protected]
Zee Ice, Ltd., commercial-industrial                           [email protected]
Ice Cream
Scoops                                                                     [email protected]
Belize Refrigeration, Ltd., & frozen fruit juices           [email protected]
Icemaking Machines
Robert Nicolait & Assoc., Ltd.: Scotsman systems     [email protected]
Aficionado                                                            [email protected]
Belize-AmericanSupplyAss'n,imp.-exp.food,health,beauty items  [email protected]  
Caribbean Tire Wholesale, Ltd., tires & accessories  [email protected]  
G. Ayuso & Son Importers                                       [email protected]                       
Santiago Castillo, Ltd., foods, liquors, etc.                 [email protected]
UETA of Belize, import/export                                  [email protected]
Victor L.Bryant & Co., Ltd., foods, guns/ammo,&c.  [email protected]
Baraka, Ltd., steel framed construction, styrofoam, insulation       [email protected]
American Life Insurance Company                             [email protected]
Atlantic Insurance Company, Ltd.                              [email protected]
Belize Insurance Company, Ltd.                                 [email protected]
G.A. Roe & Sons Ins. Svcs. Ltd.                               [email protected]
Home Protector Insurance Co.                                  [email protected]
Insurance Corporation of Belize, Ltd.                         [email protected]
Regent Insurance Company                                       [email protected]
Victor L. Bryant & Company, Ltd. (Lloyds)              [email protected]     
Insurance Brokers
G.A.Harrison Pilgrim Svcs.                                        [email protected]
International Registry
International Business Company of Belize Central Registry    [email protected]   
International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize        [email protected] 
Internet Domains, Services and Associations
Access Belize                                                   [email protected]       www.accessbelize.com  
Ambergris Caye.com / Belizeone.com               [email protected]    www.ambergriscaye.com
Belize Central.com                                                                           www.belizecentral.com
Belize By Naturallight                                   [email protected]                www.belizenet.com/
Belize Development Email List                                                         www.belizeans.com./maillist.htm
   Belize Business Email-Website Directory      [email protected]      www.belizeans.com/busemail.htm
Belize On-Line                                                                                                     www.belize.com
Belizeans.com                                                          [email protected]          www.belizeans.com
Belizemall.com                                                         [email protected]                 www.belizemall.com
Belizenet.net                                                                                                         http://belizenet.net
Belizeweb.com (Bz.Telecomm.Ltd.) [email protected]                          www.belizeweb.com      
Chat 'Bout Belize.com                                                                                           www.chatboutbelize.com
Corozal.com community website                             [email protected]        www.corozal.com
Cyber Coffee public internet station, San Pedro AC         [email protected]
Digital Postcard - images of Belize                                                                          www.belize.net/postcard.shtml
Netkom Internet Solutions, website creators                                                           www.netkombelize.com
Official Government of Belize Website                                                                    www.belize.gov.bz
Quicktime Panoramas, experimental virtual reality                                                    www.belizenet.com/qvtr.html
Sigertronic Systems, website production/hosting                                                       www.sigertronic.com
Spy Belize, Ambergris Caye local domain                              [email protected]          www.spybelize.com
Top Cat, San Ignacio, web pages/related services                  [email protected] 
Trade and Investment Promotion Service                                                                 www.belizeinvest.org.bz
United States Embassy to Belize Website                               [email protected] www.usemb-belize.gov
Belize Refrigeration, Ltd., Polar Pak                          [email protected]
Island Kids, San Pedro Town, AC                            [email protected]
Label Solutions, Ltd., wide variety of types                [email protected]
Laboratories - Industrial
Robert Nicolait & Assoc., Ltd., Hach                        [email protected]
Laboratories - Medical
The Pathology Lab                                                    [email protected]
The Finishing Touch, lamps & custom floors              [email protected]
Caye Landscaping, Ambergis Caye                          [email protected]         www.belize1.com/landscape
Vicky R. Nelder, Landscape Architect, A.C.            [email protected]
Laundry Services
Belize Laundromat, San Pedro Town, AC                [email protected]
Antoinette Moore, Attorney at Law, Dangriga           [email protected]
Denys Barrow, Attorney at Law                               [email protected]
Ernest L. Staine Law Firm                                         [email protected]
Lois Young Law Firm                                               [email protected]
Glenn D. Godfrey & Company                                 [email protected]
Rodwell Williams, Attorney at Law                           [email protected]
Young Law Firm                                                       [email protected]
Liquors, Wines
Premium Wines & Spirits                                          [email protected]
Marine Biology Consultants
Richard Woods, Sea&Island Research,Fieldguide    [email protected]   http://www.ambergriscaye.com/fieldguide/index.html
Marine Parts and Supplies
Captain Shark's, San Pedro                                      [email protected] 
Marketing Consultants
Summa Marketing, Ltd., research, bplans, ins.,etc.    [email protected]
Toucan Match Company, Ltd., Toucan and Olympian matches   [email protected]
South Side Meats                                                     [email protected] / [email protected]
Musicians/Groups/Music Production
Barefoot Skinny                                                       [email protected]
Living Stones Production                                          [email protected]              www.homestead.com/livingstone/info.html
Santino's Messengers                                               [email protected]
National Parks and Preserves
Belize Audubon Society Website - national parks                                     www.belizeaudubon.org
Laughing Bird Caye National Park                                                           www.laughingbird.org
Amandala Press                                                      [email protected]            www.belizemall.com/amandala
Ambergris Today                                                    [email protected]
Belize Times                                                            [email protected]           http://belizenews.com/
Cayo Trader                                                            [email protected]
The Reporter                                                           [email protected]                www.reporterbelize.com
San Pedro Sun, San Pedro Town, A.C.                   [email protected]        www.SanPedroSun.net
Offshore Financial & General Services (See also Banks, Finance, and Professional Services)
Belize Bank Offshore Services Ltd.                          [email protected]       www.bhiofs.com
Belize Corporate Services, Ltd.                                [email protected]       www.bhiofs.com
Belize Investment Management Co.                          [email protected]
Belize Offshore Center                                             [email protected]       www.belizeoffshore.com
Belize Offshore Consultants & Co.                           [email protected]
Belize Offshore Professionals, Inc.                            [email protected]  www.belizefinancial.com
Belize Offshore Services, Ltd.                                  [email protected]
Better Business Entrprises, Ltd.                                [email protected]   www.belizebusiness.com/offshore
Butterfield, Reimer & Associates          [email protected]     www.offshorespecialists.com
Cashew Tree, Ltd., financial services                        [email protected] 
Central American Trading Company                         [email protected]
Dun & Bradstreet Belize, Ltd., financial services       [email protected]
Immigration, Business Consulting & Offshore Svcs. Co. [email protected] 
Interfisa Global Perspectives & Offshore Solutions    [email protected]      www.belize1.com/interfisa
International Services, Ltd. for .invstors,retirees,rl.est.  [email protected]   www.belizepassportoffshore.com 
JANUS Offshore Services                                           [email protected]         www.janusoffshore.com
KPMG Corporate Services                                      [email protected]       www.kpmgbelize.com
Megga Corporation                                                  [email protected]      www.megga.com
Morgan & Morgan Trust                                          [email protected]
Pouchie Co., Ltd., investment/immigration services    [email protected]              www.pouchie.com
Reimer & Associates                                                [email protected]              www.offshorespecialists.com
Outboard Engines
Captain Shark's, San Pedro Town, AC                         [email protected]
Power Plus, Ltd., Evinrude                                            [email protected]
Paper Products
J.S. Espat, Ltd.                                                        [email protected]
Party Supplies and Favors
Alebran's Originals, San Pedro Town., AC              [email protected]
Petroleum Products
J.S. Espat
Esso Standard Oil                                                    [email protected]
Shell Belize, Ltd.                                                      [email protected]

DWD-Belize.com        [email protected]     www.dwd-belize.com

Radical Positivism                                               [email protected]          www.radicalpositivism.org
Photocopy Services
The Copy Cat                                                          [email protected]
Top Cat Copy Center, San Ignacio, +signmaking      [email protected]
Gecko Graphics, San Pedro Town, A.C.                  [email protected]
Go Graphics                                                             [email protected]
BelicolorPhotoServices,Belize,Belmopan,Corazal,SanIgnacio,SanPedro    [email protected]
Belize through the Looking Glass, photo catalogue online    [email protected]   www.belize1.com/fran
Islands from the Sky, aerial photos Belize coast        [email protected]
James Beveridge, Caye Caulker                               [email protected]
Kay Scott Photography, San Pedro Town, A.C.      [email protected]           www.Belize1.com/kayscottphotos
Sea-ing isBelizingPhotography   [email protected]   www.cayecaulker.com/members/seaing.html
Tony Rath Photography, Naturallight Productions, Dangriga     [email protected]              www.trphoto.com
Venus Photo & Records                                         [email protected]
Photo Labs
Belicolor                                                                 [email protected]
Spooner's Photo Lab                                              [email protected] 
Physicians, Surgeons, Clinics
Belize Medical Associates, Ltd.,EENT,Int.,OB-GYN,Pedtrx.      [email protected]
Bennett, Dr. Christopher                                        [email protected]
Caribbean Shores Medical Center,gyn,ped,psych,  [email protected]
Cobb,Atanascio, head,neck,sinus,plastic surg.          [email protected]
Family Medical Center, dentist, gyn, pediatrx,intern.med.,preven.diab., endocrin.,etc.    [email protected]
Hoy Eye Clinic                                                         [email protected]
Lizarraga, Victor, vascular surgeon etc.                    [email protected]
Roofen-Willetts Medical Group, Ltd., internal           [email protected]
Subaquatic Safety Services, Ltd., San Pedro Town, AC  (hyperbaric recompression)    [email protected]
Plastic Products
Gold Star Industries Ltd. Co., straws,bags,cups,&c. [email protected]
Printing/Publishing/Desktop Publishing Services
Advance Resource Group, secretarial, copies, online svcs., Belmopan  [email protected]
Aligraphics, Ltd.                                                                                  [email protected]
Angelus Press Ltd.                                                                              [email protected]
BRC Printing, Benque Viejo                                                                [email protected]
Gecko Graphics, San Pedro Town, A.C.                                             [email protected]
Go Graphics                                                                                       [email protected]
ProduccionesdelaHamaca,CayeCaulker [email protected]  www.gocayecaulker.com/members/producciones
Professional Secretarial Services, typing, desktop publishing, plus        [email protected]
The Reporter                                                                                      [email protected]              www.belizenet.com/
Topcat Copy Center, +web design, Internet svcs.                                [email protected]
Professional Services (See also Banks, Finance, Offshore Services)
Apex Trust Corporation Ltd.                                              [email protected]        www.belizenet.com/apextrust.html
Bel-Caribe Company, Ltd., audio-video productions, presentations               [email protected]
Belicana Consulting & Development, Ltd.:resource mgmt, planning, dvlpmt.   [email protected]
Belize Business Consulting  Services                                    [email protected]
Belize Business Development, San Pedro TownAC             [email protected]                 www.belize1.com/shipping
Belize Corporate Services, Ltd.                                          [email protected]
Belize Environmental Consultancies, Ltd.                             [email protected]  
Belize Institute of Management, training & services              [email protected]
Belize Investment Management Company, Ltd.                   [email protected]
Belize Management Consultancy Services                           [email protected]
Belize International Investment Group, Ltd., BIIG Consulting    [email protected]         
Brenev & Associates, customer service training, etc.           [email protected]
Corozal Free Trade Zone Development, Ltd.                      [email protected]  
Corozal Free Trade Zone Management                               [email protected]
Executive Support Systems, M.Burrowes CPS etc.             [email protected]
Glenn D. Godfrey & Co.                                                    [email protected]
International Services, Ltd.                                                 [email protected]             www.belizepassportoffshore.com 
S.J. Mazzullo, Ph.D., Geological Consultant                        [email protected] 
Herman A.Smith, Ph.D., Archaeological Surveys/Environmental Impact Studies         [email protected]  
Parimax, Ltd., proposal development/editing                       [email protected]
Silvermoon, Ltd., local and international services                 [email protected]
Tunich-Na Consultants, environmental consultants               [email protected]
Wolric H. Lind Associates,Arch.& Eng.,Mgmt.Conslt.        [email protected]